######### Requirements for Running and Using NOMAD ########## This document describes the Dependancies of the NOMAD Server and the prerequisites on client machines. ## Section 1 Server requirements for using NOMAD: 1. Operating System We have only developed and tested NOMAD under linux and to a lesser extent Mac OS X, but see no reason why it shouldn't work in other UNIXs. if you would like to contribute perspective to the project and make the code base more portable, please let us know. If you plan to use NOMAD with large data sets on Linux, use at least the 2.4 kernel and glibc 2.2; they include a workaround (a 64-bit file position value) so that files greater than 2 gigabytes in size can exist. another option is to use the 2.2 kernel with the LFS patch. If you plan to use NOMAD on a Mac OS X based system you should be aware of a couple of limitations with the OS and MySQL at the present time. As it stands starting and stopping MySQL is tricky at best, this is being worked around, but is a (minor) problem at the moment. A second problem is that inserts into the MySQL database are rather slow on Mac OS X, this is expected to improve as Mac OS X matures. 2. SQL database We have developed NOMAD using MySQL (http://www.mysql.com). At first we aimed for portability, but this goal was abandoned when it started presenting unpleasant complexity. 3. HTTP server We have developed NOMAD using apache (http://httpd.apache.org). The same caveat and request regarding portability from sections 1 and 2 apply here as well. one bit of reconfiguration may be necessary: that the server is willing to execute CGIs. for administrators familiar with apache, this is a trivial change; for others, we include several sample apache configuration files in doc/examples/httpd.conf. 4. Perl interpreter Perl is the primary language in which NOMAD is written. the CGI, DBI, DBD::mysql, and GD modules are also required. 5. libgd The GD perl module requires the libgd library, this is most easily satisfied by installing the gd application. ## Section 2 Client Requirements: 1. Web Browser Browsers used with NOMAD must support Java, javascript and Macromedia Flash. # Requirements v1.0a1 Last Modified 02/01/2002